
Destination Wedding


The movie begins with both characters hocking, Frank hocks while pulling on his ear and Lindsay hocks at her plant that's dying. They both arrive at the same airport. They give each other complements and Frank mentions how planes are never on time.Lindsay did research on how some are on time and they give you a snack. After saying this, Frank moves a step, and Lindsay noticed and he did it again...And then again.

The plane they boarded is extremely small and Frank has to sit next to Lindsay. She tries opening her snack and Frank offers help to open the bag and it doesn't until he uses his teeth. Then after all that work, the snack doesn't taste good. They find out they're going to the same wedding in Paso Robles. The strange part of this story is Lindsay was engaged to the groom and the wedding never happened. She finds out...He's Frank, Keith's brother.

He knows that his brother broke off the engagement five weeks before the wedding. Frank never met the bride and wants to stay as far away from Keith as possible. They talk about why she was invited and Frank said it's because he wanted her to know. Keith didn't mean for her to come. She sued Keith so he'd repay her parents for expenses. 

She's attending the wedding because she needs closure. Frank said it was six years ago and that's closure. Lindsay says close doesn't mean closure. They get a ride in the same car. Frank runs marketing for J.D. Power and Associates. Lindsay is a lawyer he likes prosecuting companies for vain speech. Their reservations are booked at a place called Apple Farm. Lindsay barges in Frank's room and thinks it was her closet. Frank starting hocking and pulling his ear. Before that, Lindsay was hocking at a plant.

Friday was the rehearsal dinner and they are sitting together while others in attendance converse. Lindsay thinks Keith is trying to set them up because they are always together. The bride is Danish from πŸ‡©πŸ‡° Denmark. Lindsay thinks Keith looks different from the last time they seen each other. Then they see Frank's mother and Howard...He left his mother for an older woman. Frank tells Lindsay the story of when he shot him and ran after him when he did this horrible thing. Howard and his girlfriend start acting strange and Frank said, apparently they knew each other in college. 

Lindsay greets Keith and his soon to be Danish wife and Frank still sits at the table. When Lindsay walks back to the table, Frank is gone. She sits there and looks uncomfortable and Frank returns and says he's, "I'm all fucked up." She gets u and walks back to her room. She lays on her bed talking to herself about her life. Saturday they both go to a nail salon and have pedicures and foot massages. She says she just wants Keith to be miserable the rest of his life. Frank says the Danish girl isn’t threatened by Lindsay.

The next trip is at a winery and Frank asks how could anyone drink wine at 11:00 am...He can still taste toothpaste. He believes there's nobody for everyone. He observed his parents marriages and formed his own opinion on the institution of marriage. Then the game of the day is with them standing in a ball and watch others play a game with balls. While standing there, Frank tells Lindsay it's should be easy getting over a relationship like theirs.
Frank carries Lindsay to the wedding that is hidden over a slope of grapevines. Lindsay is hot sitting there while it feels like eight hundred degrees. At the reception, while everyone is dancing, Frank and Lindsay are sitting together, watching everyone. Keith kisses his wife and I mean kisses her for a long time. They go for a walk and talk about how everyone is a narcissist. Then suddenly they are spotted by a mountain lion. And Frank starts hocking at the cat and then they run, and start rolling down hill.

She thanks Frank for saving her and they kiss on top of the hill. And then they decide to have sex. It's a funny scene you can't believe is happening. Then Frank asks Lindsay if she wants a drink and they end up in his hotel room. And they drink wine in bed. They talk a lot and Frank tells her she's elegant. And Lindsay says he has powerful eyes and the give each other complements.

A relationship is forming and Lindsay tells him she hasn't thought of Keith since they connected. That night, they sleep together. They're on the same flight home and try making decisions concerning their new relationship. Frank thinks they should part ways. The plane gerks and Frank accidentally spills his drink on his pants.

They land safely and walk out of the airport together. Frank and Lindsay hug and part ways.while at home, Frank opens his wedding favor bag and grabbed items meant for women. Frank couldn't help but go to Lindsay's. She's surprised to see him after their long discussion. This movie is worth watching and it deserves 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟. 

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